Missed December fee processed in January

The regularly scheduled asset-based fee assessment for the month of December 2023 did not process as anticipated on December 29, 2023. As a result, this fee was collected on January 12, 2024 retroactively for the period covering December 1, 2023 through January 12, 2024. The regularly scheduled fee assessment for January 31, 2024 is for the shortened period of January 13 through January 31, 2024. Asset fee assessments resume on the regular schedule with the February 29, 2024 fee assessment.

We understand the importance of clarity in financial matters, and we regret any inconvenience or concern this may have caused. Please be aware adjusted fee assessment schedule results in two fee transactions processing in January. Rest assured that the total amount of these two fee transactions are the same as what would have been assessed had the fees been processed as regularly scheduled.

Note that the small-balance fee of $1 per month for those with balances under $7,500 processed as expected without interruption.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Nationwide’s Solutions Center at 1-800-959-4457.